Monday 18 November 2013

Oxford and Hampton Court

After the Cotswolds we based ourselves in Slough but did separate day trips to Oxford and Hampton Court. We could actually see Windsor Castle from our hotel room in Slough so we said goodnight to Phil and Liz before we went to bed.

Our visit to Oxford was interesting. Oxford is a university city full of students, bicycles and students on bicycles! There are thirty eight colleges offering courses for the university and each one has its own campus. We visited Trinity College as it was one of the few campuses open at lunchtime........for a fee of course.

The dining hall was very impressive and students wear their academic dress when eating in here.

We found several sporting events commemorated on the walls of the residences.

We were also told that when sitting their exams, students have to wear a suit, a white shirt and bow tie!  This building is apparently where the exams are held.

Lewis Carroll is one of many famous graduates of Oxford University and there is a small shop in the city selling Alice in Wonderland memorabilia!

Later on we found this 'rabbit' collecting money for charity. 

There are many other beautiful buildings in Oxford, including the Radcliffe Camera (below) which is one of the university's libraries.

Then there is the Sheldonian Theatre which is surrounded by a fence with men's heads on it.

And this lovely little bridge connecting two parts of Hertford College.  It is referred to as the Bridge of Sighs of Oxford.

Tudor buildings can also be found in the central shopping area of the city. We had a coffee just up from these shops.

And there is a covered market where you can buy these delights.....always a good idea to put a plastic bag over the head of a rabbit if selling it to the public!

We also did a trip to Hampton Court, the one time home of Henry VIII.  

The architecture is amazing - every chimney (and there are a lot) is different.

And the interiors are quite breathtaking.

Even the backyard isn't bad!

We also ran into Elizabeth I and Sir Walter Raleigh while we were there.

And we found some 250 year old graffiti!

You know you're famous when you get your face on souvenir chocolates! We found these in the gift shop.

Our final achievement was negotiating the maze at Hampton Court and getting back to Slough in the rain and in the dark!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! Does this mean I don't need to put up our photos of Hampton Court? Surprisingly, they are much the same as yours
