Saturday 25 January 2014

Cruising the Mediterranean 5 - Valencia

Next stop was Valencia in southern Spain.

Valencia is a lovely city - relaxed and very clean! We really enjoyed wandering around the city and taking in the sights.

This is Torres de Serranos, one of the twelve sets of gates along the medieval city wall.

From Torres de Serranos we walked down the pedestrian streets toward the main city centre. In the distance you can just make out the bell tower on the main cathedral. 

This is Plaza de la Virgin which is a square in central Valencia behind the main cathedral and the Basilica of the Virgin. We visited both of these churches and given it was a Thursday we had no idea that mass would actually be on. Anyway, when we went into the Basilica it was during the consecration, so I made Stephen stay until after communion. We couldn't understand the Spanish but we definitely knew when to give the sign of peace - which we did!

Also in the Plaza is the famous Turia Fountain which represents the Turia River. The eight statues surrounding the fountain represent the eight canals which provided water for farming during medieval times.

We resisted the temptation of a ride in a horse and carriage even though it was a beautiful day!

This is actually the Post Office which is in the commercial area of the city. Initially we thought it was a bank but when we went inside to admire the glass ceiling we noticed a 'telegraphic' sign.

With the help of a security guard (who had no English) we actually managed to buy a stamp from a vending machine and post a card!

You can see from all the photos how clean and well kept Valencia is. We saw very few beggars and no scarf sellers! While we didn't see any police we found one of their police cars!

We would love to go back and spend more time in Valencia. 

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